Building on the tremendous success of Iran agrofood 2024, the organisers fairtrade Messe and Palar Samaneh expect more than 40,000 trade visitors and 800 exhibitors to attend the 2025 event. Scheduled for 19-22 May 2025 at the Tehran International Fairgrounds, this 32nd edition promises to foster innovation, collaboration, and growth across the Iranian agrofood industries. 

The 31st edition was a resounding success, with 847 exhibitors from 12 countries connecting with over 40,000 trade visitors. The event remains one of the top three most significant trade shows in Iran, with halls bustling with business activities over four days. Iran agrofood continues to be the premier platform for the agrofood industry in Iran and its neighboring countries, poised for continued growth in 2025 and beyond. 

Iran agrofood 2025 will once again showcase the entire agrofood value chain, from field to fork, through its four dedicated partial fairs. These will be spread across 22 halls, offering unparalleled opportunities for networking and discovery. 


Don’t miss this landmark event. Join us to foster innovation, collaboration, and growth in the Iranian agro industry.

Eventdatum: 19.05.25 – 22.05.25

Eventort: Tehran

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:

fairtrade Messe GmbH & Co. KG
Voßstraße 3
69115 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 (6221) 4565-0
Telefax: +49 (6221) 4565-25

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