Data Streaming in Snowflake (Webinar | Online)

In this webinar, our expert will show you how to accelerate data-driven decisions by integrating near real time data ingestion and analytics capabilities in Snowflake. We will explore how to unify batch and streaming pipelines to handle high-velocity data, leveraging Weiterlesen

Webinar: Microsoft Fabric as an Enterprise Data Platform (Webinar | Online)

This webinar covers leveraging Microsoft Fabric to implement a modern, end-to-end data platform. You will learn, how the different Fabric services can be combined, to implement a medaillon architecture, supported by Data Vault 2.0 and dbt Cloud. A live demo Weiterlesen

Webinar: Learning from DORA: Data Governance Lessons for All Institutions (Webinar | Online)

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) introduces advanced approaches to data management, risk mitigation, and operational resilience. While designed for financial institutions, these principles offer valuable insights for organizations in any sector. This webinar explores how DORA’s key lessons can Weiterlesen

Generating the Raw Data Vault Using Flow.BI and dbt (Webinar | Online)

We present the integration between datavault4dbt and Flow.BI which is used to generate the Raw Data Vault. Flow.BI is an artificial intelligence capable of defining all the hubs, links, and satellites for enterprise data. This includes determining the business keys Weiterlesen

AI Act im Fokus: Regulierung und Chancen für Unternehmen (Webinar | Online)

Das KI-Gesetz der EU ist da! Erfahren Sie, wie sich diese Verordnung auf Ihr Unternehmen auswirkt. Wir schlüsseln den risikobasierten Ansatz für KI-Systeme auf und konzentrieren uns dabei auf risikoreiche Anwendungen und Compliance-Anforderungen. Entdecken Sie praktische Schritte, um Transparenz zu Weiterlesen

Data Vault Fundamentals – Free Training (Workshop | Online)

This free, 4-hour interactive training provides a comprehensive introduction to Data Vault, perfect for anyone interested in modern data integration and modeling. Led by renowned expert Michael Olschimke, you’ll gain valuable insights into the essential aspects of Data Vault through Weiterlesen